Look who's getting a visit from the toothfairy!

Yep, Amanda lost her tooth finally. It's only been loose for a couple months now. Here's my pretty girl with the missing tooth.

Gosh! Doesn't she look older already?! Steve's mom would always say, "I'm going to put a brick on your head."  If only it was that easy to stop them from growing up. The cute thing is that she wrote a note to the toothfairy and told me she does believe in the toothfairy. I love my little girl. I hope she stays this sweet and innocent for a long time.

I don't have this stamp yet but it would be so cool to leave a little card from the toothfairy for my girl.

I haven't found any cards made with it yet. If I do I'll post them. I bet people that stamp all the time for their kids are afraid to buy this and make things with it because then the kids will know mommy really is the...

Well I'm getting way tired and I'm going to go to bed and get my two girls in bed. I have a Girl Scout Troop coming over tomorrow morning to look at my turtles. We were supposed to go to 5 Rivers but I guess when I called on Monday to reserve it the guy misunderstood that I wanted him to hold the spots open. So he gave away our spots and now I'm the teacher. I'll show them all about my turtles unique way of closing up in their shell. I let them hold a baby turtle. It'll be fun.

Okay off to bed I go.


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