It's here!

Lookie! My new Holiday Mini Stuff is here. :) I will show you a few things from the box if you are really nice and post some comments. LOL.

I want to share with you about my day yesterday. It's a good story I think.

Yesterday I played volleyball with my husband and his co-workers. I really was just going to watch but somehow ended up playing. I have to say that it brought back memories from Junior High. Not pleasant memories. In P.E. when we would pick teams I was always the last one to get picked. My strategy then was to run away from the ball and keep out of the way so the good players could hit the ball.

My performance today was not much better. Of course I'm not an insecure teenager now and I can laugh at myself when I screw up, but I still feel bad when I lose a point for my team. At one point the ball came towards me while I was fixing the clip in my hair. Totally missed hitting the ball. Everyone had a good laugh about me fixing my hair. I don't think I have that "killer instinct" when it comes to sports.

I will say this, if I hadn't played yesterday I would have missed out on the joy of actually scoring a bunch of points for my team while I was serving and the joy of finally hitting the ball over the net once. Yes, just once during play did I return a hit from the other side. I actually connected with the ball and hit it in the right direction. The high fives I received from my team mates was awesome!

That's what life is really about. Making connections. Feeling a sense of accomplishment. I am so not an athlete but for a brief moment I felt less nerdy.

So here's my challenge to you. Step outside of your comfort zone today. Do something that you know you aren't good at and see what happens. Maybe you are a Stampin' Up! demonstrator that is afraid to hold a workshop. Why wouldn't you want to share this great hobby with others? What's holding you back? I know I didn't like to do workshops because I'm really horrible at talking to a group of people. I am nervous and scared of looking stupid. So what am I going to do about it? I'm going to do more workshops. Why? Not because I love talking in front of a group of ladies, that's for sure. LOL. But I do love Stampin' Up! and all the products and how they make it easy for everyone to create beautiful works of art. I can give that joy to someone who thought they weren't very creative, but then they see at the end of a workshop what they made with their own hands and they are smiling. That is worth it to me.

Have a wonderful day and I'll post tomorrow some of the fun goodies I got from the Holiday Mini.


Yolanda said…
I like your idea of going outside of our comfort zone. I agree with the fear of feeling stupid in front of people, or just plane shy. I appreciate hearing someone else share simular feelings. So thank you!

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