Shrimp anyone?

We had a yummy shrimp dinner last night. Here's Steve and Amanda peeling shrimp. Amanda really likes to peel things. She loves to peel the egg shell off of hard boiled eggs. She also is great at shucking corn. Even things that aren't supposed to be peeled she finds a way to peel them. LOL.

This past weekend I got some sad news. Steve's aunt Ginnie told me her mom passed away. I knew she was sick with the flu and that she was already battling Congestive Heart Failure. I was worried about her and then the next day Ginnie called and told me she didn't make it through the night. I know how hard it is to lose your mom and I felt so bad for her. She's got to drive all the way to Maine for the funeral.

So even though it's not the best occasion I did make her a sympathy card. Those are the hardest cards to make but to me are the most special and treasured cards. Here's what I made:

and the inside:

I hope she turns to God for support as well as her family and friends. When my mom passed away I got really angry and turned away from God and going to church. I told Him that I was mad and needed some time. I wish now I had been more accepting of her fate and believed that it was for the best but it was so hard to do that since I was so close to my mom and felt that I still needed her. Luckily I came back to God and He of course welcomed me with open arms. It feels much better there than doing things on my own. Plus I found a great church to go to that feels like family and is very welcoming. It's like coming home.

May God bless you and your lives.


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