Monday morning and it's raining!

Today there's thunder and lightening here and now it's raining. Severe weather alerts are going off and possible tornados. I'm not too worried though. Usually tornados hit North of us and lightening hits the tallest houses here (not mine).

Yesterday I made a few cards. I orignally wanted this card to be a Mother's Day card but it turned out to be a friend card.

Also I was playing around with the level III rubons. Usually I put rubons on glasses, vases or cups. But I thought this time I would make a card. What do you think?

I wanted to post these cards from club too. I tried my best to make the grass card look good but I had to add some gel pen to make it stand out better. This technique is the crayon resist. You use a white crayon and color over the top of the stamped image. Then you brayer it and wipe off the crayon parts. It works really good on glossy white paper but you can use it on other types of paper.

That's it for now. I'm going to check to see if there's any tornados coming.


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