Convention was so much fun!

Hi everyone,

Just got back from Convention and I had a great time. The first day there I shopped in Memento Mall. I got some goodies for my downline and I also got a few cool things for myself.

That night we had dinner with Mandy's inspiration, Ronda Wade, who has helped her to achieve all the things she did this year. Funny thing was I don't eat carbs now and that's all that was in the buffet. Fortunately they had a chicken breast for me. I can't believe that I was on vacation and was able to follow my diet without cheating. Not only that I lost weight. 3 pounds! Woo Hoo!

Well after dinner we did the Flower Power Party that Stampin' Up! set up. We had to wear 70's type costumes. I was such a Disco Queen. LOL. Here's a picture of me.

At Convention I get to meet people that I feel I know through their blogs. Unfortunately they don't know me. So it's kinda silly of me to run up to people and say, "OMG! I love your blog! I love your cards! Can I get my picture taken with you????" LOL. So after the slight awkwardness goes away they usually say, "Sure." Patty Bennett is a superstar with Stampin' Up! and I go to her blog daily to get ideas and see what's she's posting. Here's a link: Patty's website Well I saw her at the Flower Power Party and introduced myself to her. She was so nice and actually told me that she wanted her picture taken with me. LOL.

Notice all the ribbons on the bottom of her name badge. That's for all the rewards and trips and other super duper stuff she earned. Awesome! That's going to be me some day.

I didn't get to post a picture of my downline's swap yet. Here's Jeannette's swap and everyone loved it!

Well I should be working on Girl Scout's since there's a meeting tonight. Gotta run but I'll tell you about the rest of convention soon.


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